Thursday, August 6, 2009

Protect Your Face

Recently, Landry has become enamored with death and people dying. One night he said a prayer that went something like this, "God, thank you for my mom, thank you for my dad, thank you for baby Austin, thank you for this beautiful day......And God, please don't let my dad be shot, stabbed or killed by the bad guys. In Jesus name, Amen." I really appreciated the prayer for protection. I had no idea I was in such danger. The other day he asked about people who were shot in the head. I told him that if they knew Christ they would be ok, receiving a new body in heaven. He informed me he knew they would get a new body. What he wasn't certain of was whether or not they would get a new head. So just in case, protect your face.


  1. HILARIOUS!! SO glad TY Case has a blog. We now have entertainment to look forward to. Please post often! :-)

  2. I know have expanded my prayers to specifically include "my face". Thank you Landry!


  3. Wow! Such innocence. Reading this really reminds me of just how far away from simple we can grow. Thank you, ministry comes from anyone whom allows God to use.


Landry and Courtney break from putt putt.